1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al
2. Package the instrumentin the original packaging materi-
als. If the originalpackaging materials are not available,
follow these directions:
a. Obtain a carton of corrugated ca rdboard having
inside dimensions six or more inches great er than
the dimensions of the instrument. Use a shipping
carton that has a test strength of at least 275 pounds.
b. Surround the instrument with a protective bag
(anti-static preferred). If the instrument is not in a
cabinet, wrap a cardboard piece around t he bagged
instrument to protect components.
c. Pack dunnage or urethane foam between the instru-
ment and the carton. If using Styrofoam kernel s,
overfill the box and compress by closing the lid.
There should be three inches of tightly packed
cushioning on all sides of the instrument.
3. Seal the carton with shipping tape, industri al stapler, or
Electrical InstallationPower Source
These monitors are designed to operate from a single-phase
power source having one of its current-ca rrying conductors at
or near earth ground (the neutral conductor). Only the line
conductor is fused for over-current protection. Systems that
have both current-carrying conductors live with re spect to
ground (such as phase-to-phase on multiphase sy stems) are
not recommended as power sources. A protec tive ground
connection by way of the grounding conductor in the power
cord is essential for safe operation.