1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 1-11
When power is supplied, line voltage will be
present in the instrument, even if the POWER
switch is set to STANDBY.
Mains Frequency and Voltage Range
The 1760--Seriesmonitors operate at 50 and 60 Hz, over the
range of 90--250Volts, without operator adjustment.
Remote Connector
The rear-panelREMOTE connec tor is a 25-pin, D-type connec-
tor. It provides the input for RGB/YRGB staircase, external
horizontal, and remote sync. Formore inform ation about the
remote connector, see page 2-8 and page B-1.
RS232 Connector
The rear-panelRS232 connector is a 9-pin subminiatureD-
type connector that provides a serial interface for remote
control. The RS232 pin assignments are on pa ge B-1.
Operational Changes
No operational modifications are made to these monitors
through internal jumper settings. Inputc oupling, DCRE-
STORER clamp time, RGB/YRGB selections and other similar
configurations are changed through the on-screen menu.
Instrument configuration is described on page 3-20.