OperatorsCheckout P rocedure
1760 SeriesComponent Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manu al 2-25
13. SCH Di splay (Option SC Only)
The SCH display mode provides a vector display of the
subcarrier-to-horizontal-sync phase relationship. (SCH
measurements appear on page 4-10.)
For NTSC operation, verify that REF is set to internal, then
select SCHdispla y mode. Thisprovides a dual -dot display,
as shown in Figure 2-17. SelectEXT R EF.Thisprovides the
single-dot display, shownin Figure 2-18.
For PALoperation, the REF selection doesnot affect the
display. A sample PAL display is shown in Figure 2-18.
Figure 2-17. NTSC SCH display with internal reference selected.