Appendix A: Perfo rmance Specification
A-16 1760Series ComponentWaveform/VectorMonito r User Manual
TableA -19: Certifications and compliances (cont.)CATEGORY STANDARDSOR DES CRIPTION
CATI Secondary(signal level) or battery operated circuits of
PollutionDegree A measureof the contaminates that could occur in the
environmentaround and within a product. Typically the internal
environmentinside a product is considered to be the same as the
external.Products should be used only in the environment for
which theyare rated.
PollutionDegree 1
No pollutionor only dry, nonconductive pollution occurs.
Productsin this category are generally encapsulated,
hermeticallysealed, or located in clean rooms.
PollutionDegree 2
Normallyonly dry, nonconductive pollution occurs.
Occasionallya temporary conductivity that is caused by
condensationmust be expected. This locationis a typical
office/homeenvironment. Temporary condensationoccurs
onlyw hen the productis out of service.
PollutionDegree 3
Conductivepollution, or dry, nonconductive pollution that
becomesconductive due to condensation. These are
shelteredlocations where neither temperature nor humidity is
controlled.The area is protected from direct sunshine, rain, or
directw ind.
PollutionDegree 4
Pollutionthat generates persistent conductivity through
conductivedust, rain, or snow. Typical outdoor locations.
Safety Standards
Laboratory Listing
Standard for electricaland electronic measuring and test
Canadian Certification CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 231
CSA safety requirements for electricaland electronic
measuringand test equipment.
European Union
Low VoltageDirective 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/69/EEC
EN 61010-1 Safety requirements for electricalequipment for
measurement,control, and laboratory use.