Teledyne API Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651 | Unpacking and Setting Up the Model 651 |
I n s t a l l a t i o n
The wick used in the M651 must be changed every 4 weeks (800 hours), and distilled (<6 ppm) or HPLC water must be used as the water source. Follow the instructions in Chapter 9 for wick replacement.
This section contains instructions for installing the Model 651 instrument. Follow the instructions in the order given.
The installation procedures, described on the following pages, include the following:
∙Removing protective caps.
∙Connecting the water supply.
∙Connecting the water exhaust tube.
∙Connecting the aerosol supply and vacuum line.
∙Installing the Model 651 in a rack (if desired).
∙Connecting the USB cable.
∙Connecting the power and warming up the Model 651.
You will need the following equipment to install the Model 651:
∙9/16 inch wrench.
∙7/64 inch hex driver.
∙Water supply.
Note: Use either distilled (<6 ppm) or HPLC water. Do not use tap water.
Remove Protective Caps
After unpacking the Model 651, remove the protective caps from the AEROSOL INLETs on the front and back panels of the instrument and from the PUMP EXHAUST. Then remove the covers from the BNC connectors.
Connecting the Water Supply
The Model 651 uses a gravity-fed water fill system.
Note: To prevent the water from draining back into the bottle during operation, the bottle must always be placed at a higher level than the instrument.
07506C DCN6727 | 25 |