A |
absolute pressure fault | 44 |
additional status screen | 54 |
aerosol flow |
check | 92 |
aerosol flow rate | 25 |
aerosol gauge pressure | 36 |
aerosol inlet | 43, 45, 94 |
aerosol medium | 25 |
aerosol supply | 37 |
connect | 35 |
ambient humidity range | 25 |
ambient temperature range | 25 |
analog input | 48, 55 |
analog out | 48 |
analog output | 25 |
how to set | 60 |
auxiliary flow control orifice | 46 |
auxiliary flow orifice | 95 |
averaging interval | 25 |
B |
back panel | 45 |
features | 26 |
C |
cabinet temp | 55 |
calibration | 25 |
circuit boards | 47 |
clock battery dead | 100 |
coincidence correction | 48 |
COM port | 82 |
communications parameters | 83 |
computer interface | 77 |
concentration | 54 |
cond reservoir | 55 |
condenser | 62 |
conditioner | 62 |
conditioner temp | 54 |
conditioner temp fault | 44 |
conditioner temperature | 65 |
connecting water supply | 34 |
07506C DCN6727
counting efficiency curve | 67 |
critical flow | 65 |
D |
D record | 16 |
data collection |
sample time | 81 |
set time/date | 57 |
data communication ports | 45, 48 |
data fields | 81 |
data file |
format | 80 |
data files | 80 |
data logging | 25 |
data record example | 80 |
data reporting records | 15 |
D 16 |
S 17 |
U 18 |
date |
how to change | 57 |
day | 80 |
dead time | 72, 74 |
description | 23 |
design | 62 |
detectable particle | 24 |
detector board | 47 |
digital display | 25 |
digital output | 25 |
direction of flow | 92, 96 |
display | 43 |
display settings |
how to change | 53 |
E |
earth ground | 39 |
warning | 39, 40 |
elbow joint | 99 |
elbow tube | 37 |
enter IP address screen | 59 |
ethernet | 77 |
telnet client | 78 |