Teledyne API Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651 | Computer Interface, Commands, and Data Collection |
To use the read and set commands, a program capable of sending and receiving ASCII text commands can be used. A terminal program such as HyperTerm (supplied with Windows® XP operating system) is appropriate. To use Hyperterm, follow the instructions below for Windows® XP operating system. Other OS versions may require that you download a terminal program such as TeraTerm, but the steps are similar.
1.Connect to Serial 1 of the Model 651.
2.Open the HyperTerminal program by selecting: Start Programs Accessories Communications HyperTerminal.
3.Enter a name for the connection, for example,
4.Enter the communications (COM) port.
5.Enter the following port settings and click OK:
Bits per second: 115200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None.
6.Under the settings tab, pick the ASCII Setup button and check the following boxes:
Send line ends with the feeds
Echo typed characters locally
Append line feeds to incoming line ends
Wrap lines that exceed terminal widths
7.From the File menu choose Save As and save the file to the desktop for easy access.
8.Close the program and start it again from the desktop. It should automatically open a connection to the instrument.
9.Type in firmware commands to communicate with the Model 651. A list of firmware commands can be obtained using the HELP command or from Appendix A.
To obtain the list from the HELP command, select Transfer Capture Text. HELP ALL in the terminal window lets you capture all the help commands to a text file for easy reference.
07506C DCN6727 | 75 |