C H A P T E R 2
Unpacking and Setting
Up the Model 651
Use the information in this chapter to unpack and set up the
Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651.
P a c k i n g L i s t
The packing list described in Table
Maintenance Kit.
Table 2-1 Model 651 Packing List
| Part Number/ |
Qty. | Model Number |
1 | 081000000 |
1 | 076220000 |
1 | 075070000 |
1 | WR0000008 |
1 | DU0000167 |
1 | DU0000168 |
1 | DU0000177 |
Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651 TAPI Manuals on
Water supply bottle Water drain bottle Vacuum pump tubing Cable, USB, com
Maintenance Kit (for details see Table
Note: Some items above and those for future maintenance are available for purchase as kits from TAPI. A complete list of replacement parts is included in the Maintenance section in Chapter 9.
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