C H A P T E R 7
Particle Counting
This chapter discusses particle counting and particle count measurements performed using the Ultrafine Particle Monitor - Model 651.
The Model 651 has two modes for particle counting:
∙Concentration mode, where data is presented as particle concentration in particles/cm3, updated each second on the display (the maximum time resolution is one second).
∙Totalizer mode, where total particle counts are accumulated and presented each second.
Concentration mode is commonly used for most applications and for averaging over a period of time. Totalizer mode is used at very low particle concentrations and includes
Particles can be accumulated until a desired statistical accuracy is achieved.
In the concentration mode, the Model 651 operates in the single count mode with continuous,
The instrument can display up to 106 particles/cm3. The Model 651 must be calibrated against a concentration reference (e.g., an aerosol electrometer or another Ultrafine Particle Monitor with a dilution bridge with a known dilution ratio) in the range from 3 × 105 to 106 particles/cm3 in order to provide a single
T o t a l C o u n t A c c u r a c y
At very low concentrations, the accuracy of the measurement in the
σr = nn .
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