When you first installed Intuos5, you were prompted to choose a default tablet orientation. The orientation you chose was used to determine the tablet default settings.
However, you can easily reconfigure Intuos5 for left- or
• Open the Wacom Tablet control panel and select the MAPPING tab. Choose the EXPRESSKEYS LEFT orientation option. The tablet driver automatically configures all aspects of the tablet (including the Wacom Tablet control panel options) for correct
• Next, physically rotate your tablet so the tablet ExpressKeys are positioned to the left. See also USB cable installation.
• Open the control panel and select the MAPPING tab. Choose the EXPRESSKEYS RIGHT orientation option. The tablet driver automatically configures all aspects of the tablet (including the Wacom Tablet control panel options) for correct
• Next, physically rotate your tablet so the tablet ExpressKeys are positioned to the right. See also USB cable installation.
Verify that you have correctly set the orientation by moving the pen upwards on the tablet.
To work with a tall monitor:
•Choose EXPRESSKEYS TOP to work with the tablet rotated 90 degrees clockwise. The Touch Ring and ExpressKeys are oriented toward the top.
•Choose EXPRESSKEYS BOTTOM to work with the tablet rotated 90 degrees
Tip: If you have an optional Mouse for Intuos5, click the control panel OPTIONS... button to set the device for right- or
Note: This procedure does not affect the default orientation. At the system log on and user switching screens, the tablet uses the default orientation you chose during the install process. To change the default orientation, you must