To create new user accounts, proceed as follows:
•Text Interface: From the User Directory menu, type 2 and press [Enter]. The Add Username menu (Figure 5.5) will be displayed.
•Web Browser Interface: From the Edit User menu, click the "Add User" link. The RSM will display the Add User menu (Figure 5.6.)
The Add Username Menu can be used to define the following parameters for each new account:
•Username: Up to 32 characters long, and cannot include
•Password: Five to sixteen characters long, and cannot include
•Supervisor Access: Determines whether the account is allowed to invoke Supervisor commands. (Default = Off.)
•Port Access: Determines which port(s) this account will be allowed to create connections with. (Default = All Ports Off.)
•Callback Number: Assigns a number that will be called when this user attempts to access command mode via modem at an RSM port, where the Callback Security Function has been enabled as described in Section 5.4.4. (Default = undefined.)
•If the Callback Number is not defined, then Callbacks will not be performed for this user.
•If the Callback Number is not defined for a given user, and the Callback Security feature is configured to use either of the "On - Callback" options, then this user will be granted immediate access to command mode via modem.
•If the Callback Number is not defined for a given user, and the Callback Security feature is configured to use the "On - Callback ONLY" option, then this user will not be able to access command mode via a Modem Mode port.