Port Mode Parameters:
•Port Mode: The operation mode for this port. Ports 1 and 2 cannot be configured as Passive or Buffer Mode ports, and the internal modem port is always configured for Modem Mode. (Port 1 and 2, Default =
Depending on the Port Mode selected, the RSM will also display the additional prompts listed in this section. In the Text Interface, these parameters are accessible via a submenu, which will only be active when the appropriate port mode is selected, and in the Web Browser Interface, fields will be "grayed out" unless the corresponding port mode is selected.
◆DTR Output: Determines how DTR will react when the port disconnects. DTR can be held low, held high, or pulsed for 0.5 seconds and then held high. (Default = Pulse.)
•Modem Mode: Allows the following
◆Reset String: Redefines the modem reset string. The Reset String can be sent prior to the Initialization string. (Default = ATZ.)
◆Initialization String: Defines a command string that can be sent to
initialize a modem to settings required by your application. (Default =
◆Periodic Reset Value: Determines how often the Reset String will be sent to the modem at this port.
Note: When communicating with the RSM via modem, these parameters will not be changed until after you exit command mode and disconnect.
•Buffer Mode: Allows the following
◆Buffer DateTime: Enables/Disables the Time/Date stamp for buffered data. When enabled, the RSM will add a time/date stamp whenever five seconds elapse between data items received. (Default = On.)
◆Buffer Connect: When enabled, the RSM will continue to Buffer captured data while you are connected to the Buffer Mode port. (Default = Off.)