975-0125-01-01 2–17

Equalizing Batteries

To equalize your batteries:
1. Turn off or disconnect all loads on the battery.
The voltage applied to the battery during equalization may damage
your electronic equipment. As well, equalization won’t proceed
correctly if loads are drawing current from the battery.
2. Check electrolyte level.
Fill with distilled water if the electrolyte level is low.
3. To request the equalization charge, ensure the Charger switch is
enabled, and then scroll to the Equalize setting on the System Control
4. In the RS2000 home menu, highlight Equalize, as shown in
Figure 2-9.
When you select On, the equalization confirmation warning appears, as
shown in Figure 2-10.
Equalization will be carried out after an absorption charge.
Equalization only runs for 60 minutes and may need to be restarted if the
specific gravity is still uneven.
Figure 2-9
Equalize On