Page 6-4 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Templates and template list
The template list contains an ordered list of all the templates
available to the Document Centre. There are two types of
template that can be displayed:
- CentreWare Internet Services templates - template
names preceded with a “@” character
- CentreWare Scan Services templates - template names
not preceded with a “@” character
NOTE: Refer to the CentreWare Customer Documentation for
more information on CentreWare Scan Services templates.
The template @default will be automatically selected on
entering Network Scanning for the first time. If more than 6
templates are available the scroll buttons are used to move
down through the list.
HINT: Only one template can be selected at a time.
It is possible that the templates displayed may not be the latest
version, or that the list does not contain newly-created
templates. Selecting one of the following options will update
the template list:
Refresh List updates all the templates in the list. Templates that have been
deleted or added using CentreWare Scan Services will be
removed from or added to the list.
Refresh Template refreshes the selected template.
NOTE: CentreWare Scan Services stores templates in a
remote location called a template pool. Access to this
template pool is required by the Document Centre when
updating either the template list or an individual template
within Network Scanning.