






Login Name

Login name used to access the Fil-



ing location





Path to Document

This is the location where files will



be transferred to on the server. For


Directory Path (TCP/IP)

Netware, this can include an abso-



lute or relative NDS Context (in



addition to a volume name and



directory path) if the path to where



the files are to be transferred is in a



different NDS Context than the



NDS Context of the Netware login.





Filing Policy

Defines how to store scanned out-



put files. Valid choices are Over-



write, Append, New Exact, New



Auto Generate.





Document Name

Defines the folder name for Single-



Page TIFF image files, or the name



of the image for PDF or Multi-Page








Output Image Format

Offers a choice of 3 formats - PDF,



TIFF or TIFF (Multi-page).





Suppress Job Log

This will cause the job log to “not be



transferred” with the scanned data/








Immediate or Delayed

Send fax now or at a specific time.





Fax Recipients

Where the fax is sent to.





Phone Number

Fax number of the recipient.





Phone List

Add or delete fax numbers from the



Document Centre phone list.




Page 9-18

Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide

Page 266
Image 266
Xerox 430, 440 Services Parameters Description Login Name, Path to Document, NetWare, Directory Path TCP/IP, Filing Policy