Page 15-2 Xerox Document Centre 440/432/430/426/425/420 User Guide
Terms Defined
Use the definitions below to learn more about the meanings of
terms used in this Guide.
Activity Report a report that contains information about jobs sent and received.
Annotation a note or comment added to a document. This feature adds the
date, page numbers and a comment to the document.
APS Auto Paper Select.
Auditron a tracking system, which is built into the DC440/432/430/426/
425/420. You can use auditron to track overall machine usage,
individual usage and usage of each feature separately.
Auto Answer Mode A fax mode where the DC440/432/430/426/425/420 is
programmed to automatically answer calls.
Auto Exposure an image quality setting, which enhances documents that have
color backgrounds. The DC440/432/430/426/425/420 adjusts
its settings for different types of images.
Auto Off Mode a Power Saver Mode, in which the Digital Copier shuts off after
a combined 120 minutes of Stand-by and Low Power Modes,
or after a programmed time out.
Baud Rates units for measuring data transmission speed.
Bit Rates units for measuring data transmission speed.
BPS bits per second.
Chain Dialing a single dialing command that ties together keypad dialing and
dial directory locations for a single dialing operation.
Collated output programming whereas each copy set is delivered in the
same order the documents were placed in the Document