Online record length
The default record length supported by the Xerox laser pri nting
systems is 150 bytes, the same default as the 3211/4245 printer.
However, the you can choose to use larger record lengths with the
following restrictions:
•For print record lengths from 151 bytes to 214 bytes, do not use
the print position indexing feature that is normally available on
the IBM 3211/4245. This feature is invoked only with FCBs; if
FCB=IGNORE is invo ked, this restriction i s not significant.)
•For print record lengths from 215 bytes to 2140 by tes, the user
must not use the OPTIMIZE parameter of the VOLUME
command which provides for online buffering for improved
To select a record length longer than 150 bytes, the user must
specify the new value as the LENGTH parameter on the RECORD
command and must also modify the DATA parameter of the LINE
command to print the extended character or record length.
Points to note
Note the following:
•If the data record transmitted from the host exceeds the
RECORD LENGTH specified, the record is truncated to t he
specified record length and no warning is provided.
This action is consistent with the IBM 3211/4245 printer.
•The online dump JDL specifies a RECORD LENGTH of 150
bytes. If you are planning to use a longer record length, modify
the JDL to dump the data accurately.
•The LENGTH parameter in the RECORD command cannot be
changed using a DJDE since this would require dynamic
rebuffering. Therefore, you should consider modifications to the
default online JDL to simplify operations in the online
•The OPTIMIZE parameter of the VOLUME command can be
changed through the DJDE JDE= subject to the restrictions
listed in OPTIMIZE.