Table 6–3 (Cont.): Software Error Messages
Message Meaning CorrectiveAction
22 LINE ERROR The receiving buffer is
overflowing with data. Enable a handshaking protocol to
regulate data flow (see Section,
Section, and Section
Ensure that the host, the printer, and
any other devices that are connected
(such as print servers) all have the
same type of handshaking protocol
23 MEMORYFULL Memory cannot accept
additionaldownline load-
ingof fonts into memory.
Clear fonts from memory after each
Reallocate less bitmap page memory
space (Section
Add additional RAM.
24 FULLPAINTREJ Full paint mode is not
allowed due to lack of
memory space.
Clear fonts from memory after each
Add additional RAM.
26 MEMORYFULL RAM memory space is
full. Clear fonts from memory after each
Add additional RAM.
40 LINE ERROR An error has occurred
in the communication
Check the interface parameters (Sec-
tion 4.5.6).
Check the integrity of lines; be sure
cables are properly shielded and that
all ground screws are in place.
41 PRINT CHECK Amisprint has occurred. Perform the error skipprocedure
(Section 6.1).
42 ERROR Thereis an expansion
interface error. Power off the printer and verify that
any memory expansion boards are
correctly installed. If the problem
continues, call Customer Services
(Chapter 8).
43 ERROR Thereis an expansion
interface error. Power off the printer and verify that
any memory expansion boards are
correctly installed. If the problem
continues, call Customer Services
(Chapter 8).

Troubleshooting 6–5