Automated Performance Tests
Automated Performance Tests
The performance verification tests make up the VBA performance test software program. Your network analyzer is required to execute an VBA program to verify test set performance.
The performance verification tests are designed to verify specifications for the test set as listed in Table
The performance test software uses traditional analyzer calibrations rather than a Test Set Cal. This is because the multiport test set is treated as a DUT by the analyzer.
The program file name is “87075C_PT_with E506162A.vba”. To perform the performance test for the 87075C, execute the program in accordance with the following procedure.
Step 1. Connect a mouse and an external keyboard to the E5061A/E5062A’s rear panel connectors, then turn the E5061A/E5062A on.
Step 2. Insert the program disk.
Step 3. Press [Macro Setup] key.
Step 4. Press Load Project to select Load Project function. "Open" dialog box as shown below appears.
Open dialog box
Step 5. Select "User [A]" from menu in the "Look in:" box.
Step 6. Click "87075C_PT_with E506162A.VBA" program file.
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