Test Set Cal and SelfCal
Test Set Cal and SelfCal: Theory of Operation
Test Set Cal and SelfCal: Theory of Operation
Adding a multiport test set to the analyzer degrades raw performance of the test system as well as introduces drift. Test Set Cal provides the vector error correction that allows the system to achieve good performance. A Test Set Cal is a calibration that is performed on a regular, but infrequent basis. The results of the Test Set Cal are used by the SelfCal feature to remove the drift associated with the hardware of the test set and analyzer to return the multiport system to an accurately calibrated state.
There are two steps to the Test Set Cal:
•The first step requires you to connect calibration standards (from a calibration kit) and your own
•The second step occurs once you are done measuring the calibration standards and store the Test Set Cal data. The multiport test set contains electronically switched open, short, load, and through standards behind each port. (See Figure
Chapter 3 | 45 |