SCPI Command Reference
Notational conventions in this command reference
This section describes the rules to read the description of the commands in this chapter.
Part with heading "Syntax" describes the syntax to send a command from the external controller to the E5061A/E5062A. A syntax consists of a command part and a parameter part. The separator between the command part and the parameter part is a space.
If there are several parameters, the separator between adjacent parameters is a comma (,). 3 points (…) between commas indicate that parameters in that part are omitted. For example, <value 1>,…,<value 4> indicates that 4 parameters, <value 1>,<value 2>,<value 3>,<value 4>, are required.
You can omit the lowercase letters in syntax. For example, ":CALibration:CABLe" can be shortened as ":CAL:CABL.
| The definition of symbols used in the syntax is as follows: | |
| <> | Characters enclosed in this pair of symbols are necessary |
| parameters when sending the command. |
| [] | Part enclosed in this parenthesis pair can be omitted. |
| {} | Part enclosed in this parenthesis pair indicates that you must |
| select one of the items in this part. Individual items are |
| separated by a vertical bar (). |
| For example, ":CALC:CORR:EDEL:TIME 0.1," | |
| the syntax given below. | |
Syntax | :CALCulate{[1]23456}[:SELected]:CORRection:EDELay:TIME <value> |
Part with heading "Description" describes how to use the command or the operation when executed.
66 | Chapter 6 |