12 port test
6 port test
accessories supplied, 9 activating the test set, 17 adjacent port pairs, 30, 37, 40 Agilent Technologies, contacting,
analyzer compatibility, 11 analyzer configuration for use
with test set, 17 Application objects, 86
block diagram, 138
C notation, 42
C? notation, 34, 42 cables, front panel, 13, 17 calibration
insertable versus noninsertable port pairs, 40
limitations, 46
measurement parameters, 32, 34
number of test ports used, 37 performing the Test Set Cal,
37, 40 recalling, 42 reference plane, 34 saving, 42 standards, 36
Test Set Cal and SelfCal, 30 theory of operation, SelfCal, 45 theory of operation, Test Set
Cal, 45
traditional analyzer cals, 31
using a test fixture, 40 calibration kit
determining the type, 36 checking the shipment, 9 cleaning instructions, 155 cleaning the test set, 19 COM object
conversion rules from SCPI commands, 87
object model, 86 COM object reference notational rules, 88
compatibility, with network analyzers, 11
configuring the analyzer for use with test set, 17
configuring the system, 12 connecting peripherals, 18 connector
reflection, 53 transmission, 53
contacting Agilent Technologies, 120
contents of shipment, 9
D.O.C., 157
declaration of conformity, 157 definitions, specifications, 111 description
COM Object reference, 88 drift removal with SelfCal, 47
electrical requirements, 14 electrostatic
discharge, 16 precautions, 16
environmental requirements, 14 equivalent key
equivalent key to COM object, 90
error message, TSET_CAL.CAL failed, 42
ESD precautions, 16 examples
COM object reference, 89
frequency range of test set, 33 front panel
cables, 13, 17 illustration, 51
front panel key
equivalent key to COM object, 90
fuse, line, 141
general information
test set specifications, 114 ground connector, front panel, 53
insertable port pairs, 40 installation, 7 installation category, 14 installing the test set in a rack,
instrument markings, 156 internal standards, transfer, 46 introduction to the multiport test
set, 2
line fuse part number, 141 line module, 55
line power requirements, 14 line switch, 51
line voltage requirements, 14
maintenance, preventive, 19
Index |