All specifications and characteristics apply over a 25 °C ±5 °C range (unless otherwise stated) and thirty minutes after the instrument has been turned on.
Specification (spec.): Warranted performance. Specifications include guardbands to account for the expected statistical distribution, measurement uncertainties, and changes in performance due to environmental conditions.
Characteristic (char.): A performance parameter that the product is expected to meet before it leaves the factory, but is not verified in the field and is not covered by the product warranty. A characteristic includes the same guardbands as a specification.
Typical (typ.): Expected performance of an average unit which does not include guardbands. It is not covered by the product warranty.
Nominal (nom.): A general descriptive term that does not imply a level of performance. It is not covered by the product warranty.
Calibration: The process of measuring known standards from a calibration kit to characterize the systematic (repeatable) errors of a network analyzer.
Corrected (residual) Performance: Indicates performance after error correction (calibration). It is determined by the quality of calibration standards and how well “known” they are, plus system repeatability, stability, and noise.
Uncorrected (raw) Performance: Indicates instrument performance without error correction. The uncorrected performance affects the stability of a calibration.
Test Set Cal: The calibration of a multiport test system requiring the connection of known calibration standards to all of the test ports that will be used for measurements.
SelfCal: An automated system calibration that uses calibration standards internal to the test set and the most recent Test Set Cal data to calibrate the test system.
Environmental Specifications: Environmental specifications bound the external conditions for which the specifications are valid. The environmental specifications also bound the external conditions the test set may be subject to, without permanently affecting performance or causing physical damage.
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