Quick Performance Check

Quick Performance Check

The quick performance check is a combination of internal self-test and an abbreviated performance test (specified by the letter Q in the performance verification tests). This test provides a simple method to achieve high confidence in the function generator's ability to functionally operate and meet specifications. These tests represent the absolute minimum set of performance checks recommended following any service activity. Auditing the function generator's performance for the quick check points (designated by a Q) verifies performance for “normal” accuracy drift mechanisms. This test does not check for abnormal component failures.

To perform the quick performance check, do the following:

Set the function generator to reset state (*RST).

Perform a complete self-test (*TST?).

Perform only the performance verification tests indicated with the letter Q.

If the function generator fails the quick performance check, adjustment or repair is required.

Performance Verification Tests

The performance verification tests are recommended as acceptance tests when you first receive the function generator. The acceptance test results should be compared against the 1 year test limits. After acceptance, you should repeat the performance verification tests at every calibration interval.

If the function generator fails performance verification, adjustment or repair is required.

Frequency Verification

This test verifies the frequency accuracy of the two sources in the function generator. All output frequencies are derived from a single generated frequency, and only one frequency point is checked. The second test verifies the burst rate frequency.

Set the function generator for each output indicated in the table below. Use a frequency meter to measure the output frequency. Compare the measured results to the test limits shown in the table. This is a 50 output termination test.

Table D-2. Frequency Verification



Agilent E1441A
































Sine wave


3.5 Vrms

1.00 kHz

1.00 kHz

± 0.01 Hz











Square wave


3.5 Vrms

1.00 kHz

500 Hz


500 Hz

± 5 Hz










a.The E1441A has a fixed output impedance of 50 on the "Output" terminal. Use the OUTPut:LOAD 50 INFinity MIN MAX command to set the output termination. HIGH Z assumes no load on output. 50 assumes a 50 Ω ± 0.1 load on output.

Appendix D

Service Procedures 167

Page 167
Image 167
Agilent Technologies E1441A user service Frequency Verification, Quick Performance Check, Performance Verification Tests