*SRE? queries the Status Byte Enable register. The function generator returns a decimal value that corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register.


*STB? returns the value of the Status Byte Register. Bit 6 (decimal weight 64) is set if a service request is pending.

Comments Coupled command: No

Related commands: *SRE

*RST Condition: none


*TRG causes the Agilent E1441A to trigger if the TRIG:SOUR is BUS. Triggers are used to start Burst Mode and Sweep Mode only.

Comments Coupled command: Yes

*RST Condition: TRIGger:SOURce IMMediate


*TST? causes the Agilent E1441A to execute its internal self-test and returns a value indicating the results of the test.

A zero response indicates that the self-test passed. Any non-zero response indicates that the test failed. Use the SYST:ERR? command to read the error and description from the error queue. Note the error number and description returned in the error message. See Appendix B, Error Messages, for information on interpreting the error number and description response(s).

The settings for all SCPI commands are unchanged by this command.

Comments Sending a Device Clear interface command to the Agilent E1441A while

self-test is executing may generate self-test errors.

Coupled command: No

*RST Condition: none


*WAI causes the Agilent E1441A to wait for all pending operations to complete before executing any further commands.

Comments Related commands: *OPC, *OPC?

Chapter 3

Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference 129

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Image 129
Agilent Technologies E1441A user service Sre?, Stb?, Tst?, Comments • Coupled command: No, Comments • Coupled command: Yes