Applies only to burst modulation, FSK, and frequency sweep. You can issue triggers


for bursts and sweeps using an immediate trigger, an external trigger, or a bus


trigger. For gated burst modulation and FSK, the external trigger source acts as a gate


signal rather than a trigger signal. That is, while the signal source supplies a high


level, the gated burst outputs, and the FSK "hop"frequency is output. While the


"trigger" signal source is low, no burst is output, and FSK outputs its carrier


frequency. The TRIGger command subsystem allows you to specify the source of


the trigger as well as the polarity of the active edge.


NOTE that the default logical sense of the TTLTRG lines, as defined by the VXIbus


standard, is negative true.

Subsystem Syntax



:SLOPe POSitive NEGative




:SOURce BUS EXTernal IMMediate TTLTrg0-7




TRIGger:SLOPe Positive NEGative selects the slope if the trigger source only.

Where the external trigger sources are being used as a gating signal for Burst and

FSK, TRIG:SLOPE will be ignored.

Parameters POS: (*RST state) For TRIG:SOUR EXT (Ext Trig/FSK/Burst terminal); triggers on positive going TTL signal.

For TRIG:SOUR TTLT<0-7>; triggers on negative going signal on VXIbus TTLTRG line (ground true logic)

NEG:For TRIG:SOUR EXT (Ext Trig/FSK/Burst terminal); triggers on negative going TTL signal.

For TRIG:SOUR TTLT<0-7>; triggers on positive going signal on VXIbus TTLTRG line (+ true logic)


TRIGger:SLOPe? returns the currently set trigger slope.

Comments Returns: "POS" or "NEG"


TRIGger:SOURce BUSEXTernalIMMediateTTLTrg<n> selects the source from which the function generator will accept a trigger.

Parameters BUS: A software trigger; the Group Execute Trigger (GET) bus command or

Chapter 3

Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference 121

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Image 121
Agilent Technologies E1441A user service TRIGger, SLOPe?, SOURce, Subsystem Syntax