AT-TQ2403 Management Software User's Guide





























The "add" command allows you to add a new instance or group of instances of a class.




add unique-named-class instance [ property value ... ]





add group-named-class instance [ property value ... ]





add anonymous-class [ property value ... ]





For example:





add radius-user wally





Note: If you’re adding an instance to a unique-named class, you must assign the





instance a name not already in use by any other instance of that class. If you add





instances to group-named classes, you can form groups by creating instances and





assigning them identical names. All instances of a group-named class that have the same




name form a group of instances.










The "remove" command allows you to remove an existing instance of a class.





remove unnamed-class [ property value . . . ]





remove named-class instance all [ property value . . .]





For example:





remove radius-user wally








The CLI also includes the following commands for maintenance tasks:

CLI Command





The save-running command saves the running configuration as the startup




For more information, see “Saving Configuration Changes”.




The reboot command restarts the access point (a "soft" reboot).


For more information, see “Rebooting Access Point”.




The factory-reset command resets the AP to factory defaults and reboots.


For more information, see “Reset the AP to Factory Defaults”.



Getting Help on Commands at the CLI

Help on commands can be requested at the command line interface (CLI) by using the TAB key. This is a quick way to see all valid completions for a class.