AT-TQ2403 Management Software User's Guide




4. Allow/Prohibit SNMP SET Commands

set snmp rw-status up set snmp rw-status down

5.Set the read-write community name for permitted SETs set snmp rw-community <name>

6.Restrict the source of SNMP requests to only the designated hosts or subnets

set snmp source-status up set snmp source-status down

When "source-status" is enabled (up), the AP accepts SNMP only from designated hosts or subnets. When "source-status" is disabled (down), the AP accepts all SNMP requests it receives.

7. Specify hosts or subnets that can make SNMP requests to the AP

Note that this setting is valid only when the "source-status" is enabled (up).

As with community names, this provides a level of security on SNMP settings. The SNMP agent will only accept requests from the hostname or subnet specified here.

Specify the DNS hostname or subnet of the machines that can execute GET and SET requests to the managed devices as follows:

set snmp source <hostname_or_subnet>

If you need more information on specifying DNS hostnames or address ranges for subnets, see the description of this SNMP setting for the Web UI in “Configuring SNMP Settings”.

Time Protocol

The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is an Internet standard protocol that synchronizes computer clock times on your network. NTP servers transmit Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, also known as Greenwich Mean Time) to their client systems. NTP sends periodic time requests to servers, using the returned time stamp to adjust its clock. The timestamp will be used to indicate the date and time of each event in log messages. See for more general information on NTP.

To enable the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server on the access point do the following:

1. Enable the NTP Server

AT-TQ2403# set ntp status up

2.Provide the Host Name or Address of an NTP Server set ntp server NTP_Server

Where NTP_Server is the host name or IP address of the NTP server you want to use. (We recommend using the host name rather than the IP address, since IP addresses these change more frequently.)

AT-TQ2403# set ntp server

3. Synchronize Automatically

If enabled, the device will synchronize time with the NTP server automatically.