AT-TQ2403 Management Software User's Guide




Running Configuration - The running configuration contains the settings with which the AP is currently running.

When you view or update configuration settings through the command line interface (CLI) using get, set, add, and remove commands, you are viewing and changing values on the running configuration only. If you do not save the configuration (by executing the save-runningor "set config startup running" command at the CLI), you will lose any changes you submitted via the CLI upon reboot.

The save-runningcommand saves the running configuration as the startup configuration. (The save-running command is a shortcut command for "set config startup running", which accomplishes the same thing)

Settings updated from the CLI (with get, set, add, remove commands) will not be saved to the startup configuration unless you explicitly save them via the save-runningcommand. This gives you the option of maintaining the startup configuration and trying out values on the running configuration that you can discard (by not saving).

By contrast, configuration changes updated from the Web UI are automatically saved to both the running and startup configurations. If you make changes from the Web UI that you do not want to keep, your only option is to reset to factory defaults. The previous startup configuration will be lost.

Basic Settings

Note: Before configuring this feature, make sure you are familiar with the names of the interfaces as described in “Understanding Interfaces as Presented in the CLI”. The interface name you reference in a command determines whether a setting applies to a wired or wireless interface, the Internal or Guest network, or (on a dual-radio AP) to radio "one" or radio "two".

The following CLI command examples correspond to tasks you can accomplish on the Basic Settings tab of the Web UI for access points with clustering capabilities. In some cases, the CLI get command provides additional details not available through the Web UI.

This table shows a quick view of Basic Settings commands and provides links to detailed examples.

Feature or Setting


CLI Command




Get the IP Address for an


get management ip

Access Point







get management



If management VLANs are not enabled, then the management interface



will be br0. Therefore, it is also possible to use “get interface br0 ip



to get the IP address.




Get the MAC Address for an


get management mac

Access Point






Get Both the IP Address and


get management mac ip

MAC Address






Get Common Information


get interface

on All Interfaces for an AP