English/Français/Español | In Case of Difficulty |
| |
| MD Mode |
Symptom/Symptôme/Síntoma | Cause and Solution |
The MD could not be inserted./On ne peut | ∙ Another MD is already inserted. |
pas insérer le MD./El MD no puede ser | — Eject the inserted MD and insert the MD. |
insertado. | ∙ The MD is inserted incorrectly. |
| — Insert the MD correctly. |
Sound skips due to vibration./Le son saute à | ∙ Improper mounting. |
cause de vibrations./Se producen | — Securely |
interrupciones en el sonido debido a |
vibraciones. |
Sound skips without vibration./Le son saute en l'absence de vibrations./Se producen interrupciones en el sonido sin que haya vibraciones.
∙Dirty or scratched MD. Bad recording condition.
— Change the MD.
The play back won't start./La lecture ne commence pas./La reproducción no comienza.
∙Dirty or scratched MD. Bad recording condition. A
—Change the MD.
∙Dew condensation.
—Wait for a while before using.