RELAYS - System Prompts - Configuration - Page
Prompts section that configures actuators and other parameters associated with relay and/or solid state relay driver outputs.
RELAY x USAGE - System Prompts - Configuration - Relays - Page
Parameter that specifies the type of output the relay is to provide, or how it is to be used: STATE OR
RINGS ONLY - Chart Prompts - Chart Configuration - Page
A choice for the parameter CHART TYPE which specifies that the charts only has preprinted rings. This is what is typically used, as it takes full advantage of the recorder’s ability to annotate the chart, by adding time lines, scale lines, and scale values.
ROTATE CHART ACTUATR - Chart Prompts - Chart Configuration - Page
Parameter which specifies an actuator, which, when true, causes the chart to “rotate” for normal trending. When YES is selected for START NEW CHART, the chart will be initialized per ACTION ON NEW CHART, and then the chart is ready for trending. If the chart is not “rotating”, trend data recording is suspended, but “trend data collec- tion” may continue. If it were collected, when the chart began to “rotate”, the collected data would be recorded first, then the current real time data.
RTD TYPE - System Prompts - Configuration - Inputs - Page
Parameter that specifies the type of RTD: PT 100 ohm .00385 DIN, .00392 USA, .00392 SAMA, or NI 100 ohm.
SAMPLE PERIOD - System Prompts - Configuration - Process Variables - Page
Parameter that specifies the time period between samples for calculation of the rate of change of the Process Variable for Rate Alarms. If the time between samples is too short, one second for example, a slight but quick change may erroneously trigger the alarm. Conversely, too long of a period may delay the recognition of an alarm condition. The period is dependent upon the application.
SCALE INTERVAL - System Prompts - Configuration - Recorders - Page
Parameters that specifies the number of divisions or rings between printed scale values. The values printed are calculated by the instrument. If the SCALE INTERVAL parameter is zero, no scale values are printed, but the RECORDER TAG will be printed. If the SCALE INTERVAL parameter value equals the number of divisions in the zone, scale values will be printed at each end only.
Scale lines
Scale lines are printed as a series of dots, closely spaced to form a solid line, and are printed only in the area of the chart (zone or portion of chart span) used for the respective trend line. The scale lines are printed on top of major time lines. The number of scale lines printed on the chart is determined by the MAJOR TIME PERIODS parameter, the number of BLANK MAJOR TIME PERIODS, and the number of trend lines being recorded. The color of the scale line is the same as the respective trend line.
Scale values
The set of values printed next to the scale line which identify the engineering values corresponding to the respec- tive rings on the chart, usually evenly spaced at multiples of 10 divisions or rings.
SELECT A COLOR - Chart Prompts - Chart Configuration - Page
A choice for MATCH/SELECT prompts which specifies that the corresponding time line, time, or date and chart tag should always be printed in a fixed color. The color is selected at the next prompt.
Appendix C | Edition 3 |
Rev G