Installing and Operating BayStack ARN Routers
italic text
quotation marks (“ ”) separator ( > )
screen text
vertical line ()
Indicates variable values in command syntax descriptions, new terms, file and directory names, and book titles.
Indicate the title of a chapter or section within a book.
Separates menu and option names in instructions and internal
Example: Protocols > AppleTalk identifies the AppleTalk option in the Protocols menu.
Example: Pin 7 > 19 > 20
Indicates data that appears on the screen.
Example: Set Bay Networks Trap Monitor Filters
Indicates that you enter only one of the parts of the command. The vertical line separates choices. Do not type the vertical line when entering the command. Example: If the command syntax is
show at routes nets, you enter either
show at routes or show at nets, but not both.
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
AUI | Attachment Unit Interface |
BootP | Bootstrap Protocol |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface |
CCITT | (now |
CSMA/CD | carrier sense multiple access with collision detection |
CSU | channel service unit |
CTS | clear to send |
DCD | data carrier detect |
DCE | data communications equipment |
DCM | Data Collection Module |
DLCMI | Data Link Control Management Interface |
DSR | data set ready |
DSU | data service unit |
xxii | 114200 Rev. A |