Installing and Operating BayStack ARN Routers
Support Source CD
The Support Source CD contains extracts from our
You can run a single version on Macintosh Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, DOS, or UNIX computing platforms. A Web links feature enables you to go directly from the CD to various Bay Networks Web pages.
For assistance with noncritical network support issues, Bay Networks Information Services maintain an active forum on CompuServe, a global
The message section is monitored by Bay Networks engineers, who provide assistance wherever possible. Customers and resellers holding Bay Networks service contracts also have access to special libraries for advanced levels of support documentation and software. To take advantage of CompuServe’s recently enhanced menu options, the Bay Networks Forum has been
We recommend the use of CompuServe Information Manager software to access these Bay Networks Information Services resources. To open an account and receive a local
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