Installing and Operating BayStack ARN Routers
The bconfig commands let you specify the location of a startup file. To use directed netboot, the location must includes the following information:
•The source of the image and configuration files (local or network)
•The address of the TFTP server
•The full directory path description locating the files on the TFTP server
Write the commands in Table
Table 2-4. Your bconfig Commands
bconfig image
bconfig config
You can use the ARN monitor, Technician Interface, or Site Manager to perform directed netboot. However, this guide assumes that you are using either the ARN monitor or the Technician Interface. To manage the ARN from a remote site, refer to Configuring Remote Access.
To use the directed netboot feature:
1.Enter the ifconfigcommand (refer to Table
The following is a sample command: ifconfig com1
Refer to Appendix A for more information about the ifconfig command.
2.Enter the bconfigcommands (refer to Table
You must enter one bconfig command to specify the location of the software image, and another to specify the location of the configuration file.
The following are sample commands:
bconfig image network /usr/arnstartup/krnl_arn.exe bconfig config network /usr/arnstartup/config
Refer to Appendix A for more information about the bconfig command.
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