MFC 4550/6550MC/7550MC




When You Wish to Change the Stored One-Touch and Speed-Dial Numbers (During Step 6 on Page 3-6, 8)

When you access the function for a One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number, thatisalreadyinuse,youwillbeaskedifyouwishtochangeitortoexit andselectadifferentOne-TouchorSpeed-Dialnumber.Thisdisplaydoes not appear if the One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number you chose is not assigned.

1.Press 1 to assign a new number to the One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number, or press 2 to choose a different One-Touch key or Speed-Dial number.




2.If you are replacing an existing number with a new one, the old number andnamewillappearinthedisplay.PressCleartoerasetheoldnumber and name. Then, enter the new number and name and press Set to store theentry.

Memory Storage/Temporary Battery Back Up

Yourmachineisequippedwithaninternalbatterythatwillkeepthedate andtimeinformationforuptotwohoursafterpowerhasbeencutoff.After that time, the date and time will be lost and you will have to reenter the information. All other settings in the SET AUTO DIAL, USER OPTIONS and SETUP SYSTEM functions (see page 2-3~6)are stored permanently andwillberetainedevenintheeventofapowerfailure.However,thedata stored in the memory during Out-of-Paper Reception and Memory Transmissionwillbelostwhenthepowerisdisconnected.

Setting Up Number Groups for Broadcasting

Number Groups allow you to send the same fax message to many fax numbers by pressingonlyoneOne-Touchkey.(ThisiscalledBroadcasting.)Youmuststoreeach fax number first as a One-Touch or Speed-Dial number. Then you can combine the stored numbers into a Group.

You can have up to 6 smaller Groups (each group uses a One-Touch key) or you can assign up to 123 numbers (MFC 7550MC), and 59 numbers (MFC 4550/6550MC) if you want one large Group. You can use the same stored number in several groups. Groups can have a name up to 15 characters long.

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Brother 7550MC, 6550MC warranty Setting Up Number Groups for Broadcasting, Memory Storage/Temporary Battery Back Up