Alarm Configuration
Alignment | If this check box is selected, all misaligned packets will |
| be included in calculating the overall percentage of |
| errors. A misaligned packet is one with an |
| number of bytes; these are also sometimes referred to as |
| framing errors. |
Runts | If this check box is selected, the number of runt packets |
| will be included in calculating the overall percentage of |
| errors. A runt packet is one that is less than the minimum |
| Ethernet frame size of 64 bytes. |
Giants | If this check box is selected, the number of giant packets |
| will be included in calculating the overall percentage of |
| errors. A giant packet exceeds the maximum Ethernet |
| frame size of 1518 bytes (excluding the preamble). |
OOW Collisions | If this check box is selected, all collisions out of the |
| standard collision window (51.2∝s) will be included in |
| calculating the overall percentage of errors. |
| window collisions are typically caused by faulty network |
| design. |
The CARGO description displayed in the alarm type list is an acronym representing the available error types: C = CRC, A = Alignment, R = Runts, G = Giants, O = OOW Collisions.This mask will only display the letters corresponding to the error types you have chosen to include in the overall percentage of errors.
The broadcasts threshold determines the number of broadcast packets that must be processed by the repeater, module, or port within the
Setting Repeater Alarms
A repeater alarm is based on the combined conditions of a hub network. You can set alarms for error levels (for all errors or just specific types of errors), broadcast packet traffic, data traffic, and collisions.
If an alarm type is not supported by your device the alarm configuration options of this type will be grayed out.
Setting Repeater Alarms |