Chapter 7
Launching the Security application; LANVIEWSECURE defined; configuring security; enabling security and traps at the repeater, module, and port levels; security on non-LANVIEWSECUREMIMs
The Security application allows you to configure and manage the
LANVIEWSECURE feature incorporated into the new generation of Cabletron’s repeater family of MIMs: the TPRMIM-xxS, FORMIM-xxS, CXRMIM-S, and TPXMIM-xxS. LANVIEWSECURE provides enhanced intruder protection by allowing you to secure two source MAC addresses per port, along with an additional floating cache of up to 32 addresses among ports on a single board; in addition, LANVIEWSECURE provides eavesdrop protection by scrambling the data portion of each packet to all ports except the destination port.
Some portions of LANVIEWSECURE functionality will apply to all ports in the EMM- E6-managed chassis, including ports residing on older, non-LANVIEWSECUREMIMs; these will be noted throughout the text, and summarized in the section entitled Security on Non-LANVIEWSECUREMIMs, on page 7-5.
To launch the Security application
from the icon:
1.Click on the appropriate EMM-E6 icon to display the icon menu.
2.Drag down to Security and release.
from the Hub View:
1.Click on to display the Device menu.
2.Drag down to Security and release.