Log Messages
●A015 WebView Administrator Viewer start (info)
Message | %1@%2 privilege granted |
%1 | Type of clients (LS/C LS/D) |
%2 | Client host IP address |
Explanation | The WebView Administrator Viewer has started operation. |
●A016 Amount of transmitted video data (info)
Message | %1@%2 %3 frames / %4 bytes in %5 seconds |
%1 | Client type (LS/D LS/H) |
%2 | Client host IP address |
%3 | Number of frames |
%4 | Number of bytes |
%5 | Video transmission time |
Explanation | This shows the results of video transmission for a video transmission client. |
●A022 Applet archive load failure (warning)
Message | archive/%1 not found |
%1 | Applet archive name (glimpse.cab glimpse.zip lvapplet.cab lvapplet.zip |
| imagemap.gif digits.gif) |
Explanation | Applet archive file does not exist or is corrupted. |
Response | Copy the missing (or damaged) file in the '/archive' applet from the |
| and reboot. |
●A023 Detection in change of point of contact (err)
Message | a %1 detected at In%2 |
%1 | point of contact device input change |
%2 | Point of contact input terminal number (1 to 2) |
Explanation | A change was detected at point of contact device terminal In1 or In2. |
| |
| denotes OFF → ON → OFF, and notch denotes ON → OFF → ON. pulse |
| and notch are brief |
| during OFF and ON states respectively. |