Schedule Setting Tool
Special Schedule
With Special Schedule, you can set up a schedule on one specific day of the week. For example, on a public holiday when there is nobody in the office, set up a service to automatically monitor the office.
Special Schedule Display Screen
qSet Special Day selection box
Select the special day you want to register from special days
w“Special Day List” button
Click to display the Special Day List dialog box. The dates of all registered Special Days are displayed as a list. You can also add, delete and edit the date, as well as delete all dates.
eMonthly Calendar
The Special Days registered on each date are displayed.
rSpecial Day Schedule
The content of the settings for each Special Day is displayed. You can set the Special Day Schedule with a maximum of the 4 special days from
tSub-schedule track
ySub-schedule track setting details display
Displays the setting details of the