Modem Direct Connect
The Modem Direct Connect selection verifies the TIP/RING (two wire) loopback circuitry as well as the data transfer and bit error rate circuitry (as does the Modem Internal Loopback selec- tion, above). It also verifies that the modem can communicate with another modem. This test is performed when two modems in different computers are directly connected through one telephone cable. The selection does not verify dialing, originating, or answering.
Fixed Disk Drive
The Fixed Disk Drive test runs a series of tests that verify the fixed disk drive, the fixed disk drive controller, and cables. Depending on the computer configuration, a Fixed Disk Drive Menu may appear. The selections allow you to run any one or all of the tests on any physical drive.
The following selections are available:
□Write/Read/Compare on Test Cylinder
□Head Select
□Error Detection and Correction
□Run All the Above Tests
□Read Verify
□Format Menu
The following paragraphs describe these selec- tions.
Write/Read/Compare on Test Cylinder
The Write/Read/Compare on Test Cylinder selection writes information from memory to the fixed disk drive on the test cylinder, reads it back, then compares it to what is in memory.
The Seek selection performs a sequential seek over the fixed disk drive then performs a random seek to verify the ability of the head actuator to find randomly selected cylinders in a predeter- mined amount of time.