Configuring System Time
Defining SNTP Global Settings
Defining SNTP Global Settings
The SNTP Properties Page provides information for defining SNTP parameters globally. To define SNTP global parameters:
1.Click System > SNTP > Properties. The SNTP Properties Page opens:
Figure 139: SNTP Properties Page
The SNTP Properties Page contains the following fields:
•Poll Interval — Defines the interval (in seconds) at which the SNTP server is polled for Unicast information. The Poll Interval default is 1024 seconds.
•Enable Receive Broadcast Servers Updates — Defines whether or not the device monitors the SNTP serv- ers for Broadcast server time information on the selected interfaces. The possible values are:
–Enable — Enables the device to receive Broadcast server updates.
–Disable — Disables the device from receiving Broadcast server updates.
•Enable Receive Anycast Servers Updates — Defines whether or not the device polls the SNTP server for Anycast server time information. If both the Enable Receive Anycast Servers Update and the Enable Receive Broadcast Servers Update fields are enabled, the system time is set according the Anycast server time infor- mation. The possible values are:
–Enable — Enables the device to receive Anycast server updates.
–Disable — Disables the device from receiving Anycast server updates.
•Enable Receive Unicast Servers Updates — Defines whether or not the device polls the SNTP server for Unicast server time information. If the Enable Receive Broadcast Servers Updates, Enable Receive Anycast
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