Viewing Statistics
Managing RMON Statistics
•Broadcast Packets Received — Displays the number of good broadcast packets received on the interface since the device was last refreshed. This number does not include Multicast packets.
•Multicast Packets Received — Displays the number of good Multicast packets received on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
•CRC & Align Errors — Displays the number of CRC and Align errors that have occurred on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
•Undersize Packets — Displays the number of undersized packets (less than 64 octets) received on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
•Oversize Packets — Displays the number of oversized packets (over 1518 octets) received on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
•Fragments — Displays the number of fragments (packets with less than 64 octets, excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) received on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
•Jabbers — Displays the total number of received packets that were longer than 1518 octets. This number excludes frame bits, but includes FCS octets that had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a
•Collisions — Displays the number of collisions received on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
•Frames of xx Bytes — Number of
2.Select an interface in the Interface field. The RMON statistics are displayed.
Resetting RMON Statistics Counters
1.Open the RMON Statistics Page.
2.Click . The RMON statistics counters are cleared.
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