14In the Site Bindings window, click Add. The Add Site Binding window is displayed.
a Select https under Type.
b The default Port number is displayed as 443. Leave the default port number.
c Under SSL certificate, select the SSL certificate that you have downloaded for the system. For more information on creating an SSL certificate, see Microsoft KB article 228991 available at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/228991.
d Click OK.
15Confirm the IIS installation by typing https://localhost in your browser.
Discovery Settings for the WCM Server
When the WCM client starts after log in it searches network services (DNS and DHCP) for an FTP/HTTP/HTTPS server to download the file, or uses a locally available file on the device. The process by which the configuration files are obtained by the WCM agent on the thin client is in the following order:
1DNS Service Record Lookup
2DNS Hostname Lookup
3DHCP Option Tags
DNS Service Record Lookup
The DNS Service Record Lookup method (also known as SRV record) obtains information about the WCM Repository Server and the configurations that utilize DNS. For example, the information and parameters are obtained from a DNS server. The method uses a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for this purpose. For example, a URL obtained from the DNS server. Due to the restrictions on the data that can be specified for DNS service record and a DNS hostname record, it is assumed that the authentication (username/log in) used on the Repository Server is Anonymous.
Installing and Configuring Dell Wyse Configuration Manager (WCM)