Dell Wyse Configuration Manager (WCM) is an innovative
WCM is mainly used by IT Administrators who create configuration files using a simple standalone GUI or capture them from an already configured Dell Wyse thin client running a supported Windows Embedded operating system. The thin client system connects to the remote file folder location that contains the configuration file and downloads the same to update the configuration. WCM enables configuration of multitude of thin clients without a management server.
This guide is intended for administrators of Wyse thin clients running WES2009, WES7, WES7p, or WE8S. It provides the necessary information for using the tool to create and apply configuration files to Wyse thin clients.
The supported Windows Embedded operating systems are:
•Wyse Embedded Standard 2009 (WES2009)
•Wyse Enhanced Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES7)
•Wyse Enhanced Microsoft Windows Embedded Standard 7 p (WES7p)
•Wyse Enhanced Microsoft Windows Embedded 8 Standard(WE8S) (32- bit and
WCM helps you to easily deploy thin client configurations either manually or through a server environment and is an
WCM consists of two components: