I n d ex
accessing the Printer Setup Utility, 61
aligning ink cartridges, 87
banner paper, loading, 26
banner, printing, 37
borderless printing, 30
buttons, operator panel Cancel, 19
down arrow, 19 keypad numbers and
symbols, 19 left arrow, 18 Menu, 19 Pause, 19 Power, 19 right arrow, 19 Select, 19 Start, 19
up arrow, 18
Cancel button, 19
cards, loading, 26
cleaning ink cartridge nozzles, 88
connecting printer
to a computer modem, 54 to a DSL filter, 54
to a telephone, 52
to a telephone wall jack, 52 to an answering machine, 53
copy, 39
changing copy settings, 42 collating using the operator
panel, 41
documents using the operator panel, 39
documents using your
computer, 39 photos using the operator
panel, 40 photos using your
computer, 40
custom paper loading in the ADF, 28 loading in the paper tray, 27
Dell contacting, 101
Copy section, 74
Preview section, 75 Productivity Tools, 75 Scan section, 74 using, 73
Dell Picture Studio, 78
editing scanned document text (OCR), 47
enlarging scanned documents, 50
envelopes, loading, 26
error messages and flashing lights, 97
fax, 51
blocking faxes, 69 broadcast fax, 56 changing the pickup code, 71 group dial, 66
on hook dial, 68 receiving a fax using Fax
Console or Fax Service Management, 64