Scanning 49
E-mailing a Scanned Image or Document
To send scanned photographs or documents through e-mail:
1Load yo ur orig inal do cument. For help, see "Lo ad an Or iginal D ocumen t Into t he ADF" on
page 24 or "Placing Your Original Document on the Scanner Glass" on page25.
2Click StartProgra ms or All ProgramsDell PrintersDell Photo AIO Printer
964Dell All-In-One Center.
The Dell All-In-One Center opens.
NOTE: You can also open the Dell All-In-One Center from the operator panel on your printer. When
your printer is in Scan mode, press the Start button . The Dell All-In-One Center opens on your
3Click Previe w Now.
NOTE: If the size of the scan (found in the lower right of the preview window) appears in red, you do
not have the system resources available to perform th e scan at the resolution or size you have
selected. To correct this problem, either reduce your resolution or the size of your scan area.
4From th e Productivity Tools section, click E-mail an image or document.
5From th e What is being scanned? menu, make a selection.
6Follow the instructions on the screen to prepare the photograph or document for e-mail.
7Click Attach Now.
8Write a note to accompany the attached photo, and then send it.
NOTE: If you have questions about how to do this, consult the Help for your e-mail program.