receiving automatically, 57 receiving from the
Center, 60 receiving manually, 58 receiving with an answering
machine connected to the printer, 58
sending a fax using Fax Console or Fax Service Management, 63
sending from the
sending from the computer, 59 sending from the operator
panel, 55
sending through the computer modem, 62
sending through the printer modem, 60
speed dial, 65
using Auto Fax Convert, 72 viewing sent and received faxes
using Fax Console or Fax Service Management, 64 viewing the status of a fax using Fax Console or Fax Service
Management, 64
Fax Console configuring, 62 installing, 62
Fax Service Management, configuring, 63
glossy paper, loading, 27
greeting cards, loading, 26
group dial list, 66
index cards, loading, 26
ink cartridges aligning, 87 cleaning, 88 replacing, 83
loading in the ADF, 28 loading in the paper tray, 27
banner paper, 26 cards, 26
custom paper in the ADF, 28 custom paper in the paper
tray, 27
documents into the ADF, 24 documents on the scanner
glass, 25 envelopes, 26 glossy paper, 27 greeting cards, 26 index cards, 26
paper into the paper
support, 22 photo cards, 26 photo paper, 27
plain paper in the paper tray, 26
postcards, 26
transparencies, 27
Memory Card Manager accessing, 78
using, 78
multiple copies, 77
multiple pages, scanning, 46
OCR, edit document text, 47
operator panel copying with, 39 using, 18
loading in the paper tray, 26
paper type sensor, 20 turning off, 21
photo cards, loading, 26
photo paper, loading, 27
photos, printing, 29
photos, scanning, 44
postcards, loading, 26
poster, printing, 36