Photo Paper
Photo Quality Glossy Paper (A4) S041126
Photo Quality Glossy Paper (Letter) S041124
Photo Paper (A4) S041140
Photo Paper (Letter) S041141
Photo Paper (4 × 6 in.) S041134
Panoramic Photo Paper (210 × 594 mm) S041145
Photo Quality Glossy Film
Photo Quality Glossy Film (A4) S041071
Photo Quality Glossy Film (Letter) S041072
Photo Quality Glossy Film (A6) S041107
Photo Stickers (A6) S041144
The availability of special media varies by country.


If your document includes color, select Color. If you are
printing black text, a draft, or if you want colors to print as
varying shades o f gray, choose Black.
Using the Predefined Settings
If you click Advanced in the Print dialog box, you can select a
predefined setting. The predefined settings are provided to
help you optimize the print settings for a particular kind of
printout, such as presentation documents or images taken by a
video or digital camera.
You will find the predefined settings in a list located between
the More Settings and Save Settings buttons in the Print dialog
Easter10 Ref. Guide
A5 size Chapter 5
1/06/98 DR, pass 2
Using the Printer Software for Macintosh 5-5