The following defi nitions apply spec ifically to printer s.
AGM (Alternate Graphics Mode)
An option that improves the quality of your printout when using the printer in IBM
X24E emulation mode.
A software program that helps you carry out a particular task, such as word
processing or financial planning.
American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A standardized codi ng
system for assigning numerical codes to letters and symbols.
auto line feed
When this feature is selected in the default-setting mode, each carriage-return code
(CR) is automatically followed by a line-feed (LF) code.
The horizontal lines that sometimes appear when printing graphi cs. This occurs
when the print head carriage return is misaligned. See also MicroWeave.
bidirectional printing
Printing in which the print heads print in both di r e ctions. This increases the speed
of printing.
A binary digit (0 or 1), which is the smallest unit of information used by a printer or
The lightness or darkness of an image.
The portion of the printer’s memory used to store data before printing it.
A unit of information consisting of eight bits.
characters per inch (cpi)
A measure of the size of text characters, sometimes referred to as pitch.
character table
A collection of letters, numbers, and symbols that provides you with the characters
used in a particular language.
Cyan (blue-green), magenta, yellow, and black. These colored inks are used to
create the subtractive system array of printed colors.
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Ohtera _______
Keith _ R
Easter10 Ref. Guide
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Glossary 1