Reverse channel
Transmission mode: IEEE-1284 Nibble mode
Connector: 57-30360 Amphenol Connector or equivalent
Synchronization: Refer to the IEEE-1284 specification
Handshaking: Refer to the IEEE-1284 specification
Signal level: IEEE-1284 Level 1 device
Data transmission
timing: Refer to the IEEE-1284 specification
Serial interfaceThe printer’s built-in serial interface is based on the RS-423 standard. This
interface has the following characteristics:
Standard: Based on RS-423
Synchronization: Synchronous
Bit rate: App ro x. 1. 8 Mbps
Handshaking: X-ON/X-OFF DTR protocol
Word format:
Data bit 8 bits
Parity bit None
Start bit 1 bit
Stop bit 1 bit
Connector: 8-pin mini-DIN
Recommended cable: Apple System Peripheral-8 cable
(part number M0197)
Optional interface
The available interfaces are listed in Chapter 8. Please see the
specifications in the user’s guide packed with the optional interface card.
Easter10 Ref. Guide
A5 size Appendix c
1-07-98 DR, pass 2